Fletcher Academy Class of 1963
40th Reunion
October 3-5, 2003



Alumni Week-end Schedule
October 3-5, 2003 - At Fletcher

Friday afternoon:  
6:00 pm
Alumni Reception in the Academy chapel with cake, punch, veggies, crackers, meatballs, etc.
7:30 pm
Friday Evening Vespers at the Fletcher SDA Church (Class of 1993)
  Possible choir practice after vespers (to be announced)
9:15 am
Sabbath School (Class of 1978)
10:40 am
Church Service (Class of 1953)
12:30 pm
Fellowship Dinner (Class of 1983)
  Possible choir practice after church or potluck (to be announced)
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Heritage Room: Open for Tours
5:00 pm
Helen Rust Choir Reunion Concert at Fletcher Church
6:30 pm
Sabbath Evening Vespers at the Chapel (Class of 1963)
Class of 1963
To Karyn Maples Robertson's home for visiting, food, pictures and receiving booklets, etc. Written directions to Karyn's home will be given out at vespers or you can contact Karyn directly.
8:00 pm
Games: Football, Basketball, Volleyball
8:00 am

Alumni Breakfast at the cafeteria, followed by an alumni meeting

Send email to Jeanne Bradley (cgsprincipal@bellsouth.net) to obtain music for the choir program (and probably church service). Include "alumni" in the subject line and ask for the music for the choir program to honor Mrs. Rust.

Or write: Attention: Jeanne Bradley, Alumni President, P.O. Box 5440, Fletcher, NC 28732

Jeanne prefers email or USPS mail, but can be reached via telephone at 1-828-684-8221, which is the elementary school where she is the Principal.

Requests for the Fletcher Newsletter may also be sent to Jeanne at the above email or USPS mail address or contact Phyllis Haney Blosser and she will forward the request.


Last Updated 09/29/2003